Aghata Gonsalves & Mariane Maier Nunes, Carduma Social (Brazil)
When different people and organizations get together to articulate themselves around common demands, values and objectives, many voices are represented. They are capable of developing practices that promote alternative ways of organizing our social, economic, environmental and power relations. Being part of the #ShiftThePower movement with other organizations and colleagues from the Global South, we know the importance and contribution of collective arrangements and networks to the communities they serve. The protagonism of civil society stands out for its innovation and resilience, encompassing a range of alternative and plural paths.
The #ShiftThePower Global Summit is an opportunity for us to get together and reflect about the role of civil society and how systemic changes happen. A space where we can learn from each other, celebrate our achievements as a movement and dream about a radically different future.
We haven been connecting with great people and networked experiences from Latin America during the pre-Summit weaving conversations. In the spirit of convening, we are ready to be in Bogotá, to reconnect with peers and continue to be inspired by new ways of deciding and doing! Read more about Aghata and Mariane’s work here.